Light Studio LA makes a splash in Interior Design Magazine with WET Design

What a nice surprise to see WET Enterprises and CEO Mark Fuller profiled in Interior Design Magazine. I’ve been working with WET for a couple years and created the lighting design for the Idea Playground.

WET is a very creative group of people. They love to toss around ideas. Sometimes they call me in just to brainstorm. Everybody is looking for solutions. It was really fun working with them because they enjoy collaboration so much. (Not everyone does, doncha know!)

WET tip #1: They are really creative. So when working with them we’d go through a lot of revisions. They are always looking for a way to make a good idea better. We also get samples and create lighting “mock ups” whenever possible!
WET tip #2: (Actually, this is a secret.) To get the great WET look doesn’t mean you always have to use the most expensive elements. We used some inexpensive “off the shelf” lighting and integrated it into the space in a unique way.

Below is an excerpt of the Interior Design story. For the full profile go to:

Mark Fuller’s two greatest loves are science and design. Water is his third. And he’s managed to combine them all, both in his education and in his professional life. As an undergraduate at the University of Utah, he focused on physics and civil engineering as well as theater sets. Next, at Stanford University, he earned a master’s of science and engineering in product design. He then put all that to work for the Walt Disney Company, where he got his feet wet, so to speak, in the special-effects department. “What I really learned, though,” he says, “was what it means to entertain.” Today, as CEO of WET Enterprises, he applies that lesson to some of the world’s splashiest fountains and water effects.
The first headquarters for the firm now known as WET, which stands for Water Entertainment Technologies, was Fuller’s kitchen table in Los Angeles. After interim locations in Burbank and Studio City, he and his crew moved some tools into an old machine shop in Sun Valley. Today, that building is one of 13 on a 1-acre campus. Most are playfully named, for example Smile and Wink. The newest, a showplace that functions primarily as a research and design facility, is called the Idea Playground.

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